I guess I’ll have to make a decision this November to just use keychain, or pay $60 a year to 1Password. My guess is that Apple will continue to improve keychain, as it locks you into the Apple world. I bit, & I now remember why I liked 1Password so much. In November, 1Password enticed me with a year-long free family subscription plan, if I gave up my license.

I started relying on Apple’s keychain, which works well. I was bummed when they went to a subscription model, but I had a 5 year run with that 1 time fee… They did retain the plan I had been on, but kept pushing me to do the subscription model.

I bought the 1 time license for 1Password when it first came out.
YubiKey’s TOTP software in addition to its own key. I’m thankful for competition in this space among companies I trust. I pay for and would like to switch to BitWarden, but the BitWarden developers are kinda MIA and for the last year disingenuously blamed one of Firefox’s security improvements as a “can’t fix” bug that was actually a “won’t fix” - a won’t fix because LastPass and 1Password both made it work. But the self-inflicted damage they’ve done to their brand across numerous products over many years - is significant. Anyone willing to hang around should expect that prices will go up again sooner than expected, as this is LogMeIn’s pattern. Prices are going up without offering any new features, thinking they have “lock in,” while free tiers are going down. I remember when I paid a one time fee for Ignition, until it was shut down. I remember back when LogMeIn had a free tier for a few computers. Same with their own remote desktop software - they constantly reduced what is available at the free tier rather than lowering price or adding value on the paid tier. LogMeIn bought them and instead of building upon it, they took aware feature after feature from the free tier to the point of useless, destroyed the user base, and where is it now? Hamachi was free and great and everyone used and loved it. And I re-explored Lastpass and almost considered it switching to it for the “in case I die” feature.īut all the advertising in the world can’t make up for the simple fact that this is LogMeIn’s business model ad nauseam… they can’t make the value proposition match their price, so instead of adding value, they destroy free tiers, and in the process, they’ve destroyed some great services too. Endorsement by TWiT is worth far more than any other advertisement. LogMeIn bought some of my respect by advertising on TWiT, so to any corporate overlords that might see this, please know that your money was well spent.